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Homedecoration according to color psychology create good health

Everyone knows that colors affect our moods and feelings. The color also affects health. and child development color psycholody

Research & Innovation for Sustainability Center (RISC)
 has therefore studied the use of color that affects feelings, behaviors, systems of the body. as well as being used with different rooms To help choose colors that create good health. and promote health especially with the development of children in each age range It’s another simple way to make us healthier and happier.

Humans feel when they are perceived.

Will human feelings arise? It depends on the stimulus (light, sound, smell, taste, temperature or touch) and according to Fechner’s law, the intensity of external stimuli affects the level of human inner perception. The five human senses have different perceptions as follows:

home design for mental health Therefore, it can create stimulation through the eyes, ears, skin and nose to influence the residents respectively. and will see that the perception of the eye It has the greatest proportion relative to the body’s senses (the tongue is the non-design sense).

How do colors affect feelings?

What stimulates visual acuity is light. The human eye can see light waves in 7 different colors. Many interesting studies have shown that different colors influence the functioning of the nervous system, for example:

  • Faber, B., 1950 found that light and color had a biological influence on plants. animals and humans The bright and warm colors stimulate the autonomic nervous system. This causes an increase in blood pressure, pulse and body temperature. and also found that research Blue is the perfect bedroom color. especially the room for insomniacs because it gives a feeling of serenity In addition, using the blue pill (placebo) as a sleeping pill is also effective.
  • Chute, 1979 found that color is a component of human learning. The time spent viewing images to learn depends on the complexity and complexity of the images.
  • Kow, 2010 found that the pink room calmed the mood. slower heartbeat Decreased stress and aggression Stay in the room for 15 minutes and remain calm for another 30 minutes.

In addition, there was also a study and dissemination of information by the Ministry of Public Health about the “color therapy” of Dr. Somkiat Sornpaisan, written in 2009, summarizing the effects of different colors. to the system of the body as follows:

  • Yellow cures discouragement. The digestive system works better.
  • Orange relieves depression, treats asthma.
  • Red increases vitality. make red blood cells
  • purple inspiring balance in the body
  • Green relieves stress, lowers blood pressure.
  • blue relieve high pressure
  • Blue relieves lung disease.

It has also been found that color helps heal physical and mental ailments as well.

  • hospital patient Should use light tones to feel relaxed.
  • An autistic child who is flustered Avoid using warm colors in the room.
  • Premature babies with jaundice Blue light will be used to bathe to help heal.
  • people with high blood pressure Avoid using red in your home or office environment.  
  • People with frequent headaches use yellow
  • people with headache or blurred vision, green
  • A surgeon who wants to concentrate, not be distracted. will put on a gown and paint the operating room green 

(Source: Professor Sriya Niyitham. Visual Art for Special Education. 2007.)

From the research results, it can be seen that Colors can stimulate different systems. within the body And this part, if we understand, will be able to choose different colors. To help stimulate the body’s work. and stimulate good feelings from the deep working of the brain as well which can match the colors to suit the activities in different rooms as follows

Pink walls calm the mood.
  • Orange – The dining room is associated with appetite. Therefore, it is commonly used to decorate restaurants. show cheerfulness or call for attention Therefore, it is commonly used to decorate various rooms in the home.
  • Purple – Buddha room, art room, induce meditation pull the mind inside Uplifting the mind/spirit, peace, belief, relaxation, creativity
  • Pink – office, reading , calming the mood. Heart muscle slows down, reduces stress (if for work Pink is perfect as a meeting room. Enthusiasm less aggression)
  • Blue – bedroom , study room , helps to rejuvenate the mind. It alleviates sadness and calms the mind while also slightly lowering body temperature and blood pressure. It relieves pain and makes you feel cool.
  • Green – bedroom, living room, helps the nervous system, optic nerve, eye muscles relax. breathing becomes slower Skin temperature and heart rate slow down, feel calm, cool, lively.
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dining room yellow orange wall stimulate appetite

Color affects emotions, feelings, and behaviors.

In addition to color affects the response of the body system. use of different colors It affects perceptions, emotions, feelings and behaviors. which may develop into personal preferences and become a habit Using color to decorate a room doesn’t need to use that color for the whole room, but only uses 20% of the room’s proportions, such as the color of furniture, cushions, curtains, our senses can already be recognized.


Choosing the color of the curtains or chairs to decorate the room affects the feeling of the influence of the color.
selection of colored pillows will be perceived and affect feelings
Selection of carpets of different colors affect perception and feeling

Summary of colors that influence perception and affect mood feelings and behavior

colormoodnervous systemcharacter
redThe color is hot, looks rich, powerful, exciting.Violent, exciting, strong, energetic, sultry, clearly visible, a color that makes it easy to get tired of the eyes. and stimulate the nerves the mostintense, exciting, strong, energetic
yellowbright, bright, stressfulStimulate eyesight, sensitive to human vision. It helps strengthen the nervous system and instill optimism.A curious person who talks to other people. and easily adapt to different situations
orangeExcited, showing communication is the color of the activity haste, stinging, anxiousstand out at the forefront 
blueCool colors look calm, cool, mysterious.Easy on the eyes, relieves stressPeople are humble, humble, and prone to mourning. lack of confidence 
greenRest your eyes. Calm. Less powerful. Relax. Shows a new life.Calm, cool, lively, helps the nerves of the eye Eye muscles relax from tension.people trying to show their talent For those who do not like it, it may be that He is afraid of everyday problems.
purpleelegant, cool, mysteriouspersuade children believe in superstitionTemperamental and sensitive 
sugararidsolid and stable If too much makes me feel dry and lonely.restlessness and dissatisfaction 
blackfear, death, lack of energyMysterious, dark, gloomy, terrifying, death.people who lack self-confidence looking down on life and don’t fight to be happy 
whiteclean, bright, peaceful, pure, healthyClean and pure, but when used in large quantities, it will feel dull, monotonous, and boring. An ideal color that does not cause any nuisance and controversy. 
skyclean, bright, brightHelp the mind to be rejuvenated. It alleviates sadness and calms the mind while also slightly lowering body temperature and blood pressure. It relieves pain and makes you feel cool. patience 
greyThe sorrow, the cold, the fear, the gloom, the decay and old age, the near death. Plain, neat, old, the color of compromise. Likes to be rational and does not trust easily.

Visual development of children

When color affects emotions, feelings, and bodily functions including inducing behavior Especially with children who begin to learn behavior and feelings. which children can see things from birth but being able to see at a distance of about 10 centimeters, starting from seeing in black and white and then gradually developed according to each age range as follows:

  • Infants aged 1 to 2 months  can see at a greater distance of about 45 centimeters or more. Stare at objects and hold for 4-10 seconds and gaze at moving objects.
  • Babies 3 to 5 months old  will be able to see at a greater distance. Focusing at a distance of almost 1 meter, the eyes are sensitive to light. and can see more color difference They tend to look at their parents’ eyes that are clearly black and white, looking at their hair and face, etc.
  • Babies aged 6-8 months  can see clearly. See more colors Improved visual acuity
  • Babies aged 9-12 months  is a period where they can play with the baby’s eyes, such as peeking or letting the baby see bright colors such as colored mobiles or the colors of the room, etc.
  • Children aged 2 – 3 years  will have complete visual development as adults.

(Source: )

After children have eyes that can see as adults. He is in the age of exploring his surroundings. Then adjust yourself to have behaviors that are connected to that environment. Many psychologists are of the opinion that color and human emotion are linked. By giving children aged 6 years and over who can distinguish their own emotions. where children are free to choose colors to match their mood If told the child to choose a color that matches the mood, they will find that Children tend to use bright colors with good mood. Use red for anger orange with fun Gray and loneliness, etc.*

(Source: Articles on the Psychology of Color. Professor Sriya Niyitham. Special Education Research and Development Institute Srinakharinwirot University)

Sometimes color is used in competitive psychology. By keeping our athletes in the blue room. Create a feeling of strength, calm and keep competitors in a pink-toned room. which affects the mood make it more sensitive Correct use of color is therefore important in promoting IQ, EQ, EF and child development as well.

Colors that affect children’s learning and development

when children grow up And gradually recognize different colors better and then color psychology will affect children. Through the use of colors from playing, drawing, painting, and we can also bring good colors for development to decorate the house. so that children can grow up happily both physically and mentally Good development of the brain, body and emotions


Wassily Kandinsky, Russian abstract painter said that Color influences perceptions and feelings. It was found that the golden light of the sun turquoise of the sea Can make people feel relaxed, comfortable, feel warm and happy. If we use it correctly It will help in the treatment of physical symptoms. and mental as well including children in each age group, such as

Children aged 
2-5 years, even if they do not know the name of the color But you can see from the colors from the cartoon characters. The color of the character’s costume What colors does the surrounding environment use to relate to the emotions during the story? green leaves Yellow with marigolds or bananas, brown with tree branches. red with tomatoes

Children aged 6 years and over are beginning to recognize colors and their names. Suitable for using a color technique called “Color your Life”. Psychologists will teach children to distinguish emotions. By telling them to express good mood by using colors as they please. and the color that will convey that the mood is not good The paper and color boxes are given with the main colors to choose from: red, blue, yellow, orange, black, green, purple. It was found that children chose bright colors and good mood by choosing

  • red with anger
  • orange with fun
  • gray with loneliness

Older children (teenagers) Colors used in dress Makeup, lip makeup, nail polish, all influence thoughts and set conditions for life.

Therefore, colors can be used to adjust children’s behavior. And helps to reduce stress or reduce violence, calm mood. For rooms that want to use peace, use blue, yellow or green. For rooms that want children to be active, use red or orange. In addition to knowledge of effective colors. per perception Different emotions have been distinguished.

Using color in the room for the children’s classroom to develop learning

In addition to the color affects the mood and feelings. There is also research saying that in a well-designed classroom It increases children’s learning in reading, writing and math by 16%* because the environment is important to support children’s learning. Therefore, changing the living room at home to be a small classroom environment. It is another factor in promoting the development of the child itself. by suggesting the selection of colors and color pairs as follows

(* Source:   LSN Education)

Yellow – stimulates brain activity. 

It is a color that makes you feel bright, cheerful, stimulates brain function, helps to concentrate, promotes memory. Yellow will give the child energy and enthusiasm. On the other hand, if too much yellow is used May make children irritable easily If the child is crying Yellow may cause the child to cry even more.

  • Suitable position:  should not be in the bedroom. because it will make it difficult for the child to sleep suitable for sitting area and angles that want to promote learning
  • Colors suitable for yellow:  should use cool colors such as blue and green to decorate with yellow. to feel relaxed together with a feeling of enthusiasm

Orange – Promote social EQ

It is a bright, cheerful, exciting color that attracts children’s attention well. Influence to stimulate confidence and promote social EQ. Children in the orange room will have the opportunity to get to know their friends. or talk more But using too much orange can get exciting. can’t concentrate

  • Suitable Location :  Orange is a bright warm color. therefore not suitable for living in the bedroom because it will make it difficult to sleep suitable for sitting area enhance learning like yellow
  • Best color for orange :  Orange is very bright. Therefore, it should be paired with cool, light colors such as pastel greens, creams, and lilacs to reduce over-stimulation.

Red – creates enthusiasm.

In fact, red can help kids focus more. But it is a color that can stimulate the heart rate. make more enthusiasm If too much red tones are used, it will cause stress in children. and more aggressive

  • Suitable location:  suitable for sitting area or playground to be active Should not be used in the bedroom as it will make it difficult to sleep. and not feeling relaxed

Pink – stimulates creativity.

Has the effect of stimulating children’s creativity is the color of love Gives a sweet, caring, non-aggressive feeling Therefore, it is often used to decorate girls’ rooms. But we can actually use it in boys’ rooms as well. will make children feel warm It can help increase his confidence. However, pink should not be overused. Because it will make children feel weak, easily scared.

  • Suitable location:  can be used in the bedroom Because it is a color that makes you feel calm, gentle, cool.
  • Suitable colors for pink:   Pink can be combined with a variety of other colors, such as white, blue, cream, purple, and gray, in order to avoid feelings of weakness and fear.

 Blue, Blue – Reduce aggression.

It is a color that gives the opposite feeling of red. Gives a feeling of peace, relaxation, and reduces anxiety. As a result, the heart rate can slow down. Suitable for use to reduce aggression in children who are easily angry. For young children, choose a bright light blue color. The blue color gives a feeling of strength and calm, but it shouldn’t be overused. Because it can make you feel depressed and depressed.

  • Suitable location:  can be used in all areas If it’s in the bedroom, it will make you feel relaxed and peaceful.
  • Colors for blue:  Blue should be used with bright colors. like yellow, orange, or earth tones to reduce feelings of depression that may occur.

Green – Increase learning in reading and writing.

It is a color that looks comfortable on the eyes, looks refreshing and helps reduce stress. cause a feeling of relaxation like being in the midst of nature But should not use a green that is too dark. Because it will make you feel gloomy and scary. Green can help increase learning in reading and writing. make children learn more

  • Suitable location:  can be used in the bedroom feel relaxed Or use it in the learning area to help stimulate learning.
  • Colors suitable for green:  Green can be used alone. But it should be white. or bright colors like yellow, orange, and blue added to make it look bright and stimulate the development of visual acuity

Cream , beige, brown – blends in easily with the surroundings. 

It is an earth tone color that is commonly used. Looks simple, resulting in a feeling of confidence, warmth, making children feel in harmony with their surroundings easily. But should not use dark colors Because it will make you feel uncomfortable. Using this color tone alone may make you feel unhappy. Therefore, it should be used in combination with other colors.

  • Suitable placement :  Can be used in all areas such as bedrooms, preferably in cream or light beige colors that give a warm, relaxing feel, or use in a living corner that feels in harmony with the surroundings.
  • Colors that are suitable for cream, beige, brown:  should be used with light tones. Bright colors like orange, blue, pink, yellow stimulate learning and make it look more vibrant.

From the knowledge of color psychology that affects perception Affects the body and mind Try to apply it according to the symptoms of the people in the house. Which the appropriate use of color may make us have better physical health. and feel incredibly happier

The  Research & Innovation for Sustainability Center (RISC) is Asia’s first innovation-focused research and development center for quality of life. It consists of a network of researchers, innovators, experts, as well as manufacturers. To create a variety of innovations that can be extended to improve the quality of life and health of all living things in the world (For All Well-being), including restoring and maintaining the environment in balance. Conducive to the life of all things with happiness, quality and sustainability.

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Subject : Research and Innovation Center for Sustainability

Arranged by: Sarayut Srithip-art

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