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Forest garden next to the house Green on an area of ​​200 square meters

forest garden next to the house In the Lat Phrao area, with a width of only 6 meters, but covered by the shade of large trees There is a fish pond and a small stream giving the atmosphere like a natural forest.

After taking more than 5 years to build a house until it’s almost finished. It’s time to find a good garden designer to create the garden you want. Fortunately, a neighbor introduced me to a gardener. After following up to see the work at the shop page of Must-Tiwa Onsuwan , this shady forest garden was born in the heart of Lat Phrao area.

“Seeing the style of organizing stuff must like it. I myself would like to have a garden. Talk and feel that yes even though we talked very little I just said that I wanted a forest garden with a pond. must be designed to look The proposed model doesn’t have much detail. Even the tree I never asked how big it was. What are the origins? He didn’t specify what he wanted (laughs), but when he saw how he worked, he was confident. The more the day I used a large crane to lift the trees across the roof of the house to plant in the garden, the more I was amazed.” The owner of the house told about the origin of the garden.

The walkway from the parking lot leads into the garden area. Designed to look simple Place a large stone cladding as a walkway, supplemented by trees to make it look shady. Welcome to the atmosphere of the forest garden inside.
The balcony in front of the original office room was a cement porch about 1.50 meters wide, designed to add a new 2 meters pile every 50 centimeters. Artificial wood flooring has been repainted to look natural. The bottom hides the fish pond filter system. and can still walk to the stairs to the house
The view from the office room to see a fish pond in the midst of a shady forest garden Because the homeowner uses the room regularly. The designer intends to open the view to see the garden in full view.
From the dining room inside the house, looking out onto the wide balcony in front of the office.

“I started by checking the views from different rooms of the house, the dining room, the office, the relaxation room, in order to design the garden so that it can be viewed from many angles. Pull out the space of the original balcony. add more space To be more practical and more than a hidden fish pond filter system. It can be connected to the entrance staircase of the house and to the dining room in the house. The layout of the house is already beautiful. Out of the loft style with simple shapes. use natural colors So it’s easy to design the garden to look in harmony with the house.” Must, the designer, told us about the way of thinking and working.

a small stream parallel to the house Decorated with large slabs of pink stone cladding used as a walkway in the garden. Planting moss on rocks Add the canary fern and various foliage to add green to the area that goes well with the architecture of the loft style house.

The long balcony next to the house is laid with natural brown wood. Make a long seat along the line to sit and watch the garden atmosphere.

A small stream, the ground is pebbled to look like natural conditions. and because of the large number of large trees Therefore, the area below is quite shady. Must choose to grow indoor plants mainly. Add moss to make it look green but not crowded. Ground cover is used by cane fins and catfish tentacles. which can grow well in the shade

Because the garden area is in the middle of the city surrounded by neighbors. The designer intended the waterfall to be small so that the sound of the water would not disturb the neighbors. In fact, the plantation with waterfalls, streams and fish ponds should be turned on at all times. to help maintain moisture for various plants especially moss

Behind the waterfall is an open space. for easy access to various system administration It also increases the space to make the garden look not too uncomfortable.

“After finishing the big tree then fill the lower level plants to make the garden more complete because the area is quite narrow Therefore, choose a tree with small leaves. and mainly indoor foliage Control the tone to be green in various shades. Add begonias to add some color to the garden. For ground cover, canary ferns and catfish tentacles are used. Ready to plant moss on the rocks to add another green


“I purposely designed the waterfall to be at the very end. But it can be seen from both the dining room and the office. The waterfall is made of granite. and sponge stone It is a small waterfall that is not very high. because the area is small and narrow The noise disturbed the neighbors around. A small S-shaped stream (S) meanders from the waterfall. The fish pond is a figure of eight placed vertically to line up with the area. It gives the feeling that the pond is bigger. But after going down all the trees, I find it difficult to walk. So I made more paths in the garden. by using a large slab of stone laying deep into the pond Which is considered the highlight of this garden.”

A small waterfall is at the end of the garden. It is only 2-3 storeys high and only 1.50 meters wide. The waterfall is made of granite for strength. It is supplemented with sponge stones that moss can inhabit to grow well.

The designers liked that the big trees had thickets of leaves touching each other. All plants look to receive consecutively related to each other, thus allowing the area below to have a relatively little amount of light passing through. The trees chosen are therefore mostly indoor foliage plants. But add dimension to reduce monotony by using green in different shades. The flowering plants are not suitable for shade areas. An affordable option is begonias, clay orchids, and because the space is quite narrow, small. Planting a large number of plants will make them look too crowded and uncomfortable. Solve the problem by choosing plants with smaller leaves.
and planting low ground cover such as fern, canary, water moss, the only purpose is to add green While the area still looks open and not crowded.

After going down all the trees, there was a problem that the path in the garden was quite difficult to walk. The designer decided to use a large slab of pink stone from Kanchanaburi to pave the path along the edge of the pond by fixing it with adhesive mortar. There is no pile to support the weight of the stone slab. Because the edge of the fish pond is strong enough The edge of the fish pond uses brick blocks to build 2 layers, pour cement in the middle and then reinforce steel. The block therefore acts as a scaffold. Mortar used as a cement-packed waterproofing mix The bottom of the pond is painted with flint coat to prevent leakage, thus making the water in the pond look black.

Good Doi New Caledonia The planting material should not be too tight. Add coconut husks or dried leaves as well. and should not be covered with soil must be planted for floating roots Because tree fern roots need air when watering, the whole plant must be watered. Because the trunk will trap moisture in the air.
One of the problems with forest gardens in confined spaces is The gap between the tree levels Because most of the forest gardens are often planted in large numbers to create shade. But if the area is quite narrow shrub planting
The more advanced and intermediate levels are added, the more they will do. Give the garden less space, feel uncomfortable. The solution is to choose a hanger, such as different types of ferns. or creepers to perch on the branches To help reduce the gap between large trees and lower ground cover. It also helps to fill the feeling of a forest garden to look more natural.

The garden has a watering system with both misting nozzles and fog nozzles. By placing a distance of every 70 centimeters. Usually, the placement depends on the style of the garden and the number of plants in that spot. Most often they are placed on trees. The ground will be placed 1 – 1.50 meters apart and placed at the point where plants need high humidity, such as water moss (ground moss needs more light than water moss. Ground moss do not like standing water. The fox head is intended to be used for watering plants. It works somewhat better and looks prettier than a sprinkler.

I saw a garden full of trees like this. But taking care of it is not as difficult as you think, because you have to put all the watering systems in place. Both fog nozzles and fog nozzles, in addition to creating atmosphere also increases humidity In addition, the area around the garden rarely blows through the wind. The humidity in the garden is still quite high. The plants chosen are slow growing and easy to care for, all you have to do is pick up fallen leaves. Keeping the garden and fish pond clean and apply slow-release fertilizer to the plants every 2-4 months. Just as this helps the garden to stay at home for a long time.

Owner : Mr. Phisamai Rattanapinanchai

Design: Ayothaya Landscape   by Tiwa Onsuwan

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